Friday, December 23, 2011

Snow angels

They've been telling us it was going to snow for a while now but none of the weather channel's predictions proved true. Some were relieved and others wondered whether we were going to have a white Christmas at all this year. The weather has apparently been pulling some strange wool over eyes the past two years. Then finally the weather channel got it right! It snowed! It snowed enough for snow angels (as supposed to mud angels - yuck!) and it has been cold enough for it to stick around for a few days of white winter beautiful bliss.

I've never made snow angels before. I thought it would be very cold and very wet but it wasn't - yay! Once I was laying on my back in the snow I felt like a little kid and I couldn't help but giggle like one. I felt alive. I can understand why they are called 'angels'. Pretty :)

I scouted a spot where the snow was deep enough and where there were no footprints and then laid back carefully so I wouldn't have an angel with a trampled wing.
You make the angel by 'flapping' your arms and legs. Now is a good time to let go of any inhibitions you may have and just have childlike fun.
Once you get going you're having so much fun and the movement warms you up quickly so the cold doesn't ruin the fun.
Getting up without trampling my snow angel was a little tricky but I was particularly impressed with the end product!! Definitely a very cherished memory for me - close to my heart.   
Have you ever made snow angels before?  

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