Friday, April 6, 2012

Days like these

Do you ever get the feeling that you're not supposed to go somewhere, or do something?

I've been working really hard lately - long hours in the midst of tremendous change. I've had nothing else on my mind besides work - either solving current problems, or planning how to solve ones that I don't even know exist - but this weekend is a long weekend (Easter) and I'm determined to have nothing to do with work till Tuesday next week. (It didn't even really occur to me that not everyone in the world celebrate Good Friday anymore.) 

This weekend couldn't come at a better time for me. I desperately need to rest and to bring some balance back to my life; to have some fun! I thought I'd go out for lunch and watch a movie, so I checked the circuit, made my selection and grabbed my bag and keys. I was so looking forward to it.

Things didn't quite go according to plan.

As I entered the mall parking lot I thought it was suspicious that it was so empty, but once I got inside the mall it made perfect sense: The power has been out for near two hours by the time I got there. I thought I saw a board outside the entrance saying that the mall was still trading during power outages...

The place looked pretty deserted to me... It took me a while to figure it out, but the board only applies to some stores and restaurants, and it obviously did not include the movie house. Ah, now it made sense... However, when I had a closer look, even stores on the board was in fact not trading... See Mug & Bean on the list of restaurants and coffee shops?

I wonder how the customers sit down to eat with the chairs on top of the tables? (London Pie and Sausage Saloon also had the steal roller doors down. They weren't trading either.) That board is a lie. So I paid my parking - thanks for nothing - and set out to find another mall nearby. There might not be time for lunch anymore, but perhaps I can still get to see my movie.

At least the next mall had electricity, but the movie that I really wanted to see was not showing there

Ok, so maybe I won't see a movie, but I was really hungry; maybe I could then eat something instead. All the restaurants in the food court were open, except for the one selling what I've been craving for the past two hours. 

Ok, ok, so no movie, and no lunch

Ok, ok, ok, I needed to get one or two grocery items. I thought I'd quickly get those from the grocery store right there. Some biltong could work well for a snack (instead of lunch). Turns out they didn't have the cut that I wanted, and the tiny bag on offer was not worth the arm and the leg price on the tag. 

Ok, ok, ok, ok, not to worry, there's a stand selling pancakes. Yum! I've been in the mood for that for a while now. I thought it could also make for a very nice snack and hold me over till dinner but NOoOo! The woman ran out of batter! (on the customer right in front of me!!!!)

AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaA!!!!!!!! No lunch, no movie, no movie, no lunch, no biltong, no pancakes... At this point I felt like telling her to forget it, dammit!!!! I was going home!

Maybe that was exactly where I was rather supposed to be... Oh well, I guess I'll try again tomorrow - for the movie anyway...

Have you ever had days like these?

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